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In the meantime, feel free to have a look at some useful Voter ID Card Resources:
Brief about Voter ID Cards:
Voter ID Card were introduced in 1993 with the view of having a common identifier for eligible voters to ensure the cases of bogus voting and frauds are minimized. Voter ID Cards are also known as EPIC or Electoral Photo Identity Card; typically were issued containing the Voter’s Full Name, the Address as per their constituency and photographs. The voter was expected to carry the card alongwith them to the polling booth to be able to cast their votes.
Issues with Voter ID Cards:
Like most good initiatives in our country, the Voter ID Card too had its share of issues and was mired with errors and hideous, unidentifiable photos of the voters. In a lot of cases the person received wrong voter ID cards altogether or had some or the other mistake in their cards.
This was for those who actually got their cards. There was a large set of voters who never received their cards even after applying more than once. There are still people who are registered voters, but have wrong details on their cards or have not received their cards at all.
So, then Can I still Vote Without a Voter ID Card?
Yes, you can – If and only If your name appears in the Voters List of your constituency.
Now here is the thing, YOU NEED NOT HAVE A VOTER ID CARD TO BE ABLE TO VOTE. This means even if you do not have not received your voter ID card since ages or have a Voter ID Card which has your details correct, but maybe father’s or husband’s name is misspelt, you can still vote – Provided you are a registered voter having your name in the voter list of your area.
When you apply for a Voter ID Card and fillup the Form 6 you are essentially making a request to get your name added to the Voter List to be listed as an eligible voter and hence can cast your vote, if your application is successfully processed after due verification. You can carry any valid ID Proof like PAN Card, Driving License etc to be able to cast your vote even in the absence of your Voter ID Card.