Election Commission of India Identity Card Number Search is the process to be initiated by a voter in India in order to search his name and details entered in the Voters’ List of his/her Constituency. No matter how long the phrase sounds, it just takes 30 seconds to search your name(if you are well instructed). If you know the to-the-point set of concise instructions, this process of checking name in the voters’ list must not take more than 30 seconds of your time. Hence, in this article, we aim to instruct you well about how to complete the Election Commission of India identity card number search.
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Complete the Election Commission of India Identity Card Number Search
Earlier, the Election Commission of Identity Card Number Search was conducted on the ECI official website itself. But, now, the Commission has launched an amazing one-stop voters’ portal called the NVSP.in
On the National Voters’ Service Portal, you can not only apply for new voter registration but you can also perform the Election Commission of India identity card number search in just a couple of seconds.
Here is how to conduct Election Commission of India identity card number search on the NVSP: –
- Visit https://www.nvsp.in/ which is the official website for the National Voters Service Portal.
- You would see a host of options on the website, ranging from new voter application to the linking of Aadhar Card to the EPIC. The option you need to focus on is, ‘Search Your Name in Electoral Roll’.
- The mentioned option would help you carry out the Election Commission of India identity card number search. When you click the option, you would be taken to a website called ElectoralSearch.in
- ElectoralSearch.in is the official website for conducting Election Commission of India identity card number search.
- When the web page loads, make sure you choose the desirable option so as to search your name in the voters’ list by entering your name and other details or just by entering your EPIC/Voter ID Card number.
- If you want to conduct the search by entering your EPIC No. then just check mark the option, ‘Search by EPIC No.‘
- Enter your EPIC Number and then select the State in which you are registered. This is the Election Commission of India identity card number search in a nutshell.
- Hit enter i.e. click the ‘Search’ button.
- You would see the match(in the appropriate voters’ list) corresponding to the voter id card number and the State selected by you.
Election Commission of India Identity Card Number Search without EPIC No.
You can conduct the Election Commission of Identity Card Number Search even if you do not remember your voter identity card number. For that, you would have to select,’Search by Details‘ option on the Electoral Search website homepage. Here are a couple of instructions: –
- If you choose to search your name by entering your name and other details then you would need to enter: – i) Name ii) Age iii) D.O.B iv) Father’s/Husband’s Name v) Gender vi) State and vii) District Constituency
- You can also select your State and DC from the inbuilt map on the search page instead of selecting from the list.
- After filling in all the details, you can click ‘Search’ to conduct the Election Commission of India identity card number search without even requiring to enter your voter id card number.
ref no:OWQ992213568
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