The name Haryana has an unique implication – the Abode of God. In Sanskrit, Hari implies God and Ayana is home. This vibrant state presents a magnificent kaleidoscope of various landscapes, showcasing magnificent archaeology, and celebrating art and refinement. A state that has transcended on an expedition and preserved the best of both the worlds – the footprints of the past eras and a futuristic vision.
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CEO Haryana Contact Information
CEO Haryana Voter Registration
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CEO Haryana Voter List Details
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Main Information About CEO Haryana
Haryana, formerly a portion of the province of Punjab, came into being in 1966 after the recommendations of the Sardar Hukam Singh Parliamentary Committee. The Shah Commission, chaired by Justice J. C. Shah, was passed on the task to tick off the limits of Haryana and Punjab. The partition was made on the basis of languages: Hindi and Punjabi. The city, Chandigarh, a portion of the Ambala district in Haryana, due to equal inhabitants of Punjabi and Hindi-speaking people, was constituted the capital metropolis of both the states. Chandigarh is a Union Territory of India.
CEO Haryana History
According to the provisions in the 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts, 1992, State Election Commissions are to be created in each state, with the plan to superintend and guide the groundwork of the electoral rolls for the local governing body and conducting elections to the Panchayats and municipalities. It was with the same aims that the Haryana State Election Commission(CEO Haryana) was formed.
Who is CEO Haryana?
Shri Shrikant Walgad, an IAS officer is the chief electoral officer of Haryana State Election Commission
Haryana Election Commission Officers
The officers currently holding posts in Haryana State election commission are as follows:
• Chief Electoral Officer is Shri Shrikant Walgad, IAS
• Additional Chief Electoral Officer is Shri Maheswar Sharma
• Deputy Chief Electoral Officer is Shri Gulshan Kumar Gandhi
• Assistant Chief Electoral Officer is Shri Sant Lal
The names of the various District Electoral Officers are:
• Khetmalis Makrand
Address:DC Office, Ambala
Contact: 8059444001
• Dr. S.S. Phulia
Address:DC Office, Panchkula
Contact: 9501115566
• Sh. Mandip Singh Brar
Address:DC Office ,Yaumnanagar
Contact: 9466300663
• Sh Nikhil Gajraj
Address:Deputy Commissioner, Kurukshetra
Contact: 9466100161
• Sh. N.K. Solanki
Address:DC Office, Mini Sectt. Kaithal
Contact: 9728036666
• Renu S. Phulia
Address:District Election Officer, Karnal Mini Sectt., Karnal (Haryana)
Contact: 8295090009
• Sh. Sameer Pal Srow
Address:Deputy Commissioner cum District Election officer, Panipat DC Office (Mini Sectt., Panipat)
Contact: 8813000222
• Dr. Chander Shekhar
Address:Office of Deputy Commissioner, Sonipat
Contact: 9991060444
• Y. S. Khyalia
Address:District Election Officer, Jind Mini Sectt., Jind (Haryana)
Contact: 9416036039
• M. L. Kaushik
Address:District Election Officer, Fatehabad Mini Sectt., Fatehabad (Haryana)
Contact: 8053353000
• Dr. J. Ganesan
District Election Officer, Sirsa Mini Sectt., Sirsa (Haryana)
Contact: 9416025002
• Amit Kumar Aggarwal
Address:District Election Officer, Hisar Mini Sectt., Hisar (Haryana)
Contact: 9416545444
• Ashok Kumar Meena
Address:District Election Officer, Bhiwani Mini Sectt., Bhiwani (Haryana)
Contact: 8295666888
• Vikas Gupta
Address:District Election Officer, Rohtak Mini Sectt., Rohtak (Haryana)
Contact: 9467869888
• Ajit Balaji Joshi
Address:District Election Officer, Camp Office, Jhajjar
Contact: 9416006665
• Sh. D.K. Behera
Address:Deputy Commissioner cum District Election Officer, Narnaul, Room No 103, 1st Floor New Secretariat, Narnaul
Contact: 8607442004
• C. G. Rajini Kaanthan
Address:District Election Officer, Rewari Mini Sectt., Rewari (Haryana)
Contact: 9992015551
• Balraj Singh
Address:District Election Officer, Faridabad Mini Sectt., Faridabad (Haryana)
Contact: 9582455555
Schedule and Budget of Election in Haryana
The term of the present government in Haryana has come to an end in 2014. It is just then that the Election Commission publicizes the poll dates and the budget will be uncovered.
Address and contact details are shown below
Chief Electoral Officer of Haryana
30 Bays Building (Top Floor)
Sector 17, Chandigarh – 160017
Phone No.: 0172-2701362
Like CEO Haryana, Why is a CEO assigned to each state?
1. Each state requires a Chief Electoral Officer so as to maintain maximum lucidity in elections.
2. The CEO supervises the course of action and machinery for election in a state.
3. The State Election Department in every state, of which the CEO is a vital part, wishes to reach out to the people of the state to guarantee better services in terms of Electoral Rolls.
4. Helps in the issuing of valid Electors’ Photo Identity Cards (EPIC),
5. Ensures thorough verification, scrutinization, correction of the EPIC cards
6. His office Maintains a complete list of electoral rolls (spelling mistakes, mistakes in D.O.B etc.),
7. Helps in digitizing maps to designate areas of the polling stations and their respective distances,
8. Provides sufficient manpower and material resources on the day of the elections
9. Enforces a model code of conduct to be followed by all voters.
10. The CEO must also keep in consideration the financial managements during an election.
11. Safeguarding law and order during the polling day depends largely on the Chief Electoral Officer.
12. The Chief Electoral Officer also superintends District Electoral Officers.
13. In other words, the CEO is needed in every state to create maximum consciousness of the rights and duties of the voters in the particular state, by building maximum outreach capacity to the voters.
The Driving Force of CEO Haryana
The secretariat of the commission has 300 officials, and is situated in New Delhi. The deputy election commissioners and director generals are the senior-most officers in the secretariat. The President of India designates the chief election commissioner, who serves for six years and must be pensioned off at the age of 65. The commissioner is usually a member of the Civil Services, and often, of the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) or the Indian Revenue Services (IRS). He can be removed from his office through the process of prosecution, which needs to be carried out in the parliament. The President of India can expel the other officers on the chief commissioner’s reference.
How to Register for CEO Haryana Voter ID Card Online?
Call it your Voter Card, Election Card or EPIC, this important identification document was introduced in an endeavor to endorse and execute free and fair elections in India. This job was done by the analysis and the pains of ECI in order to minimize the cases of political swindle during the elections. The possibility of such scams was altering the results of the elections in favor of the wrong candidates and parties
Here is how you can apply for a new voter ID card in the state via the Haryana official portal of CEO.
Find out the procedure below.
The citizens who bear the permanent address of Haryana state should apply for the voter id card through which they can take part in the Indian election system. Each citizen must get their card which the Chief Electoral Officer of Haryana will provide through the online process from their official website
See the process below to apply online for new voter ID card in the state.
Terms & Conditions before Applying Online –
1 – You must be the permanent resident of the state with the proof of ration / phone bill / electricity bill / domicile etc.
2 – Citizens of the age of18 Years or who are more than 18 years on 1st January can apply online.
3 – You should be having an Age proof certificate / Birth Certificate from any educational institution/hospital etc.
4 – Need a family member who already acquires a voter id in the state.
Steps to Fill Online Registration Form-
Step 1 –
Visit the Website ceoharyana and select the option of “Online Registration” you can check the page and select registration option.
Step 2 –
After selecting the online registration option you will be redirected automatically on page Citizen Services which has been made by the Election Commission of India ECI for the Citizens Services CS. The website is created by the NIC Team for Haryana. Here you need to click on the option of “Citizen” and press the login button.
Step 3 –
Now you can check the page of eci-citizenservices ECI CS where you have to enter your user id and password if you are already a member. The new electors of state will have to select the option of the new user’s registration.
Step 4 – For New Users
After clicking to the option of new users registration you can check the page of where you need to enter you phone number which is mandatory and then e-mail id which is optional.
Step 5 –
Applicants will recieve the SMS code which they need to enter at the given place and they can access the page eci-citizenservices
Step 6 –
on this page you need to fill the registration form with your all required information as per following:
1. Current using e-mail id of applicant
2. Applicant’s first name
3. Last name
4. Date of birth as on 1st of January
5. Residence address complete
6. Zip code / postal code
7. City or town name with state
8. Create any password to login on page.
Step 7 –
Come back on the login page and use your phone number as user name and enter your password to access. Select the form which you need. For new inclusions you may have to get the CEO Haryana registration Form No. 6. On the form you also have to fill required information as following:
1. Applicant’s name
2. Complete address
3. Date of birth
4. One passport size photo
5. Parent’s information
After doing all these processes you have to take out the printout of your registration form and application number which you need to keep safe.
How to Get EPIC in Haryana After Registration in CEO Portal
Once you had submitted your registration form online via using the online page of CEO Haryana the ERO Electoral Roll Officer will come for the verification of all the information which you had submitted in your online form. After the authentication the ERO officer will send you the notification to collect the card and you may have to show the online slip.
Get the voter id card from ERO and keep it intact with you. However it’s a time consuming process but after the online process you can get it in 15 to 20 days.
How to Download Electoral’s Application Form
Citizens who are not able to do the online registration can also download the application forms .after downloading the form and attach your all necessary documents and after filling it submit them to your area ERO officer. The officer will provide you a acknowledgement slip which you can use after verification of your information to collect your new voter id card. these are the links where you can get the application form.
- Form 6 –
Application For – For new voter registration in Electoral Roll and submit to nearest area ERO officer
Download From – Form6
- Form 6A –
Application For – Application Registration of NRI Voters in Haryana State.
Download From – Form_6A_Hindi-English
- Form 7 –
Application For – For removal of name from voter list in Haryana.
Download From – FORM7
- Form 8 –
Application For – To make rectifications in voter id card like name, father’s name, date of birth etc.
Download From –FORM8
- Form 8A –
Application For – For any kind of address changes
Download From – FORM8A
- Form 001A –
Application For – To change your picture (photo) in your voter id card or to submit new photo, is an alternative form which you can use with form 6 / 8 / 8A.
Download From – Form001A
How to do the Online Correction in CEO Haryana Voter ID Card
Quite a lot of of times we get a wrong voter ID card with the mistakes in the name,father’s name and any such information, then you can log on on the online page for it through the CEO Haryana official website.
This is the process to make correction.
Step 1 –
Visit the official website of CEO Haryana and click on the option of online registration and you can get the access on the page
Step 2 –
On the page of Election commission of India Citizens Services ECI CS Select the option of citizen’s login and you will get the page you need to choose the option of Online Application Form.
Step 3 –
On the page of select the application form for the correction / deletion,you can get the following application form online:
• Form 6 to include your name in Electoral Roll EPIC
• Form 6A for NRI inclusion in electoral roll EPIC
• Form 7 for any problem with your voter id card
• Form 8 for rectification and revision in voter id
• Form 8A for change your residence address / transposition
Step 4 –
Select the option to which you want to make the online changes and fill the application form. Citizens will have to use their mobile number which they had registered in their application and then proceed.
Step 5 –
Fill the application form and rectified information for those details to which you want to make changes on your new voter id card.
How to Search Elector’s Name in Electoral Roll for Haryana CEO
After submitting application form you can check you name on your voter list. For which you have to visit the page of voter search On the search page for your name in voter’s list you will get two options as per following:
- Search by Voter Details – Visit the page of ceohry/VoterDetails and enter your information (name, father’s name and address)
- Search by Voter ID Number – Visit the ceohry/VoterById page and use your voter id card number to search your name in list.
From both of way you will be able to get the details of your name in voter list of your area. To receive the voting card you may have to visit to the BLO office for which you can check the nearest location. Applicants will have to check the page ceohry/FindBLO where they can search Booth Level Officer of their local area.
How to Register Online Complaints / Grievances?
You can also register your complaint if you are having any issue regarding your voter id card. The Election commission of India website has a citizens services cell and NIC has built a webpage to resolve the problems of Haryana’s citizens. Visit the page of where first you need to login on the page and then submit you complaint for online voter id card.
How to Check the Status of the Voter ID Card Registration in Haryana?
Applicant are also able to track their application and can check the status of their registration. To know your online registration status, the CEO Haryana has an online page for Tracking Application Form through the ceohry/NewVoters search link where you may have to use your application form number.
Things to followed before Using Official Website of CEO Haryana
Here is the entire information regarding the voter id card online in Haryana state but please make sure before using official portal you must read the following given instructions.
- is only the official website to provide the voter id card online for the Haryana citizens so do not trust or use any other fake portal with the CEO name.
- Don’t disclose any kind of your personal information with anyone like voter id card number, application form number and make sure that only you go to collect your card.
- Please be at home at the time of verification of your documents and information by the BLO officer. Also give him all the documents which he wants to see, co-operate with officer.
- Note that you need to show only that information to the ERO / BLO officer which you had filled online at the time of online registration.
- The official website of is under monitor / maintained / data uploaded by the Chief Electoral Officer CEO Haryana and National Informatics Center NIC Team of Haryana so don’t use the website for any wrong information.
- Applicants can also contact their district level of CEO through the page where all the phone numbers, email id and addresses are available.
Know your officers:
1. Visit the official website of CEO Haryana
2. Click on tab ‘list of ERO/CEO/DEO’
3. Enter your state
4. Your district officer
5. Your Ac
6. Your Pso
7. The list will appear in front of you
Know your BLO:
1. Visit the official website of CEO Haryana
2. Click on the know your booth level officer
3. Enter the details and you will get the list.
Now voters can check Voter Details by Sending SMS VOTEHRY <space><Voter Card No> at 9954699899
List of the updated electoral rolls:
• Visit the official website
• Click on the draft rolls from the left hand side
• Enter your details
• Download the pdf
Voting is your constitutional right,make the best use of it.
Sir , I am recently pension from army , so i appear for new Voter ID card .
My name is Akshita Manchanda, I apply for online voter card before 2 months my request id is 157c04870ea95ea7, but after tracking my voter card status, only BLO has appointed from last 2 months.
but till date nobody (no BLO) come for verification of certificates.
i think it is fake side or
sirf BLO appoint karnai se kuch nahi hoga, BLO se kam bhi lena hota hai, check yourself &BLO ki kam kar rahai hai ya nahi