The latest venture by the Election Commission of India is the bid to link all the Aadhar Cards to their corresponding voter id cards. This drive is really important to put on a leash on the increasing number of fake voter id cards and bogus voters, both of which work together to sabotage the Indian dream of completely ‘Free and Fair’ Election. Therefore, in this guide we instruct our readers and voters from Andhra Pradesh on how to feed Aadhar number on CEOAndhra website which is the official website of the State.
Feed Aadhar Number on CEOAndhra Website
Feeding your Aadhar details to the voter id card details in Andhra Pradesh has made a lot easier by the efforts of Election Commission and CEOAndhra. There are multiple ways through which you can link your Aadhar card number to your voter id card details. The first one is the easiest and you just need to follow the following steps.
Link Aadhar to EPIC Online on ceoandhra website
Although for the voters of each state, the process of linking Aadhar to EPIC could be completed on the National Voters’ Service Portal itself, here is the exclusive method for the voters of Andhra Pradesh that could be initiated from the CEOAndhra website.
- Just visit the official CEO AP website viz. CEO Andhra website
- On the main home page, you would find a link that says, ‘EPIC Linking with Aadhar‘.
- Upon clicking the link, you would be taken a page where you would receive information about linking Aadhar to EPIC using different methods.
- The very first option should be preferred by you, if you wish to complete the feeding of Aadhar number in the quickest possible time. Therefore, click the link in the first option which is: – Voters can link the Voter Card number with AADHAR number using the online portal through the OTP (onetime password) received on the given mobile number. Click here to link
- When you click the above link, you would be taken to EPIC Aadhar Seeding Portal on the ceoandhra website
- On this seeding portal, you need to mention 3 details which are; i) EPIC ID ii) UID iii) Your mobile number
- After entering these three details, you must click on ‘Generate OTP’.
- You would then receive a one-time password on your registered mobile number.
- This OTP must be entered at the next step when asked.
- Once all these formalities are completed, you may wait for a confirmation message which you would receive once the Aadhar number is linked to your EPIC.
- Meanwhile, you can check the status of Aadhar linking.
Check Status of Aadhar Linking on CEOAndhra Website
To check the status of your Aadhar linking to the EPIC on CEOAndhra website, you can follow the same steps as above. Just make sure that when you land on the Aadhar Seeding Portal, check mark the option, ‘EPIC Linking Status’. When you do so, you would be asked your EPIC No., just enter it and click ‘View Status’. You would then informed about the status of your Aadhar linkage to the voter id card.
D.O.B. chenge
enter adhar no in voterlist