Being in a democracy it is important to cast your vote and for that we need to add our names to the voter’s list once we cross 18 years of age. WE KNOW IT. However it is equally important to delete the names of those deceased, who no longer will be voting. This is done to make sure that no ineligible or non existent voter’s name is used to cast bogus votes by vested interests. You can delete the name of a parent who has recently passed away from the Voter list West Bengal, or for that matter any other part of India. This can be done using Form 7 available for deletion or objection of any name appearing in the election commissions records or listed in the voter list of that constituency.
To get the name of a family member who has passed away or any individual in West Bengal who has shifted to some other adress and no longer needs the name in voter list west Bengal of current constituency, should apply for the same through Form 7 available at their local ERO or download the same from (you can copy paste the link in your browser and download will start) print it and fill in the details and submit the same to the respective ERO.
How to fill Form 7 to delete a name from the Voter List:
On the form you shall have two options, first will be the Objection for any name included in the electoral roll. This is the section you can fill in case you have an objection to a particular person’s name appearing in the electoral roll of your constituency on grounds of fraud, impersonation etc. The second option will allow you to remove the name of any deceased person from voter list, on whose behalf you can apply for the removal. You need to cancel the ‘myself’ option in the form and mention the details of the parent or any other person whose name you wish to get deleted from the electoral roll.

You need to fill the relevant details that are required in terms of the applicant’s name and other details as well as the details of the person whose name needs to be deleted. Once done, you need to give genuine reason for the deletion of the name. That is in case of death you need to mention the reason and submit the form to the ERO.

The procedure for objection can be only done once the draft electoral list is out and within the time frame mentioned at the time. Deletion of name however can be done throughout the year. Along with other details you will also need to provide the Part No., Serial No. of the entry in that Part of electoral roll and Identity Card No issued to that person. These will be there on the electoral roll in which the names of such person currently appear.
Steps after submission of Form 7:
Once the form is duly filled and submitted, along with the required documents, such as in case of death, the Death certificate of the person whose name is being applied for deletion; the ERO will fill the part of the form at the bottom, and give you the same as receipt of application.

Once this is done, the ERO will cross check your application with the relevant birth and death records with the local authorities and if all is clear, you will receive a part of the FORM 7, with details confirming the deletion of the person and the name will no longer appear in the voter list West Bengal and in case of any other state, of that particular constituency.

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