Every now and then due to some technical problems or human mistakes, there is a chance of individual details on a Voter ID or an Election Card are registered wrongly or misprinted on the election card that allows you to cast your vote. These errors may be in any of the details given such as the photograph, address, date of birth, phone number etc. So we through this article would like to explain you the detailed procedure involved in Election Card Correction procedure for the wrong photograph.
Procedure for Election Card Correction:
For more effective voter ID card correction, the Government of India has already started online application form (FORM 8) filling in order to make the procedure faster and easier. However, there is still a facility to perform the correction procedure offline by taking a printout of the form named “FORM 8″.
In order to Download Offline Form 8 Click here.
To access online form Click here.
This can also be downloaded from ECI website www.eci.nic.in and then click on ‘Link to state SEO’ option.
Steps to Fill Form 8 for Election Card Correction:
Once you are ready with the form with you start filling it and do follow steps below in order to fill the form without any errors and corrections – The process mentioned below can be used to correct a wrong photograph, as well as correct any other details in a Voter ID Card.
There are four parts that are to be filled in FORM 8 which are needed in order to get your Election Card Correction perfectly done:
- Part 1: This part of the form entirely consists of personal details of the applicant. You will have to fill in your:
- Full Name
- Date of Birth and
- details of Father’s/ Mother’s/ Husband’s Name of applicant.
- Part 2: The second field is all about your current residence address details like area/ location, district, and state of your current residence.
- Part 3: This part of the form asks you to enter details regarding your existing voter id card number or EPIC’s number that you currently hold.

- Part 4: This is the most important step in the form- For the Offline Form here you have to strike off the ones that are not relevant to you OR in case of the Online Form – Tick the Relevant Option
- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s Name
- Address and
- EPIC number
- Online Version will have the option for “My Photograph“.
- Offline Form will NOT have it – In that case simply write “My Photograph” and submit the form.
Write ‘MY PHOTOGRAPH’ as shown in the image above and then just submit the form. Make SURE you attach the corrected latest passport photo in the space provided in the form or you can also attach the same along with the documents you will be submitting along with the form.
How to Get and Track Election ID Card:
Once the verification process is successfully done you will receive your corrected Voter ID Card as per your requirements.
While the verification is under processing you can track your Voter ID Card status here.
This procedure described here for Voter ID Card correction is more or less similar for all states. And one should for sure visit their respective state-wise Election Commission website for any clarification regarding correction.
Hope you have found what you are searching for. Thank you, Keep Reading!!!
i don’t check my voter id card status…please solve me for my voter id problem…