Voter ID Card Delhi
Voter ID Card is one of the essential identity proof for the Indian citizens. A voter id card can be taken by the citizens who are 18 years old or above. This card is not only important for voting but also otherwise like supposedly you want to open a bank account, you will be asked by the bank people to provide a identity proof and you can give a copy of your voter id.
Process To Obtain Election Card Delhi
You can even apply for apply for voter id card online and offline by visiting the nearest government service center. And fill the application form provided there. Once personal and address verification is done, voter ID card will be issued on your name. Although the E-registration or the online voter id registration is a simpler and faster process.
The two documents required are:
- a) Proof of your residence (driving license, passport, bank pass book, any postal letter received in your name on your address).
- b) Proof of your age, such as birth certificate, school leaving certificate etc. However this is only required if you are between 18 and 21 years of age.
There are various ways to register yourself for election card Delhi-
Option I- Online filling and submitting the form
1) Go to
2) Sign up as “New user”.
3) Fill the form -6.
4) Upload passport size photo, scanned copy of address proof and age proof and submit.
In case you are unable to upload the documents below then the Booth Level Officer (BLO) who will come to your residence to verify the information and will collect both the documents from you.
Option II – Download Form 6 from the website and send it by post.
- Go to Forms on the top of the home page.
- You will get a number of choices, click on Form 6: Application for Inclusion as a New Voter for the First Time.
- Down load the Form, fill it, and stick one passport size photograph on the space given.
Sign the Form and attach the following :
- Proof of your residence
- Proof of your age
Send the Form and documents by post to the VREC (Voters’ Registration and EPIC Centre) of your Assembly Constituency.
Option III – Download Form 6 from the website and deliver it personally.
- Go to Forms on the top of the home page.
- You will get a number of choices, click on Form 6: Application for Inclusion as a New Voter for the First Time.
- Down load the Form, fill it, and stick one passport size photograph on the space given.
- Sign the Form and attach the documents and submit it personally
If in case you filled the online application form wrong, no need to worry. There is another form available on the CEO Delhi voter id website named Form 8. Just mention the necessary corrections to be made on your voter card in the form 8 and a new card will be generated and sent to your residence address.
Remember, Form 6 will be filled for the new voter id card online registration and form 8 will be filled to correct wrong details in the card.
Forms For Applying For Voter ID Card
The various forms to apply for Voter ID Card are:
Form 6
This form is for issuance of a new Voter ID Card
Form 8
This form is needed in case you have a typo error or want to upload your photo. So, basically this form is meant for modifications and subtle changes in the name, address, in your Voter ID Card, etc.
Form 8A
This form is used by those who want a transposition of their name in the electoral roll. Here, except for the address the voter card is valid otherwise. So, to change the address in the same constituency, this form needs to be accessed. The electoral roll is also updated with the change in the voter card.
Form 002
This form is used in case you have lost your voter card or it has got mutilated by accident. An FIR needs to be filed in and a copy of the same along with all the credentials required for form 6 is furnished with the form. A duplicate card is provided to you.
Form 7
In case you want to object the inclusion of a name in the electoral list, you can submit this form. This is often required for those whose parents die and require cancelling the voter card.
Documents Required To Be Attached
You need to attach two documents in order to get your Voter ID Card. Here we describe to you all the documents and the procedure in detail. The various documents that you are required to attach along with your online form are:
a) Proof of your residence
b) Proof of your age, such as birth certificate, school leaving certificate etc. However this is only required if you are between 18 and 21 years of age.
c) Latest Passport Sized Photograph
You can submit the following in case of address proof and age proof
Address proof (You can choose any one of the following)
• Bank / Kisan / Post Office current Pass Book
• Ration Card / Passport / Driving license / Income Tax Return filed
• Latest Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas Connection Bill for that address, either in the name of the applicant or that of his / her immediate relation like parents
Age proof (You can choose any one of the following)
• High School Certificate / SSLC Mark Sheet
• Birth Certificate
• Driving License
• Passport/PAN Card
How to Check Name in Voter List Delhi on Internet?
Not everyone is blessed with an internet connection, that may be hard to believe, but as a matter of fact many households, communities or groups have many other things to worry about other than an internet connection. In these cases people with no access to the internet have to make a couple of trips to the ERO office and engage in monotonous activities in order to conduct even a task as simple as checking the Voter ID Card Delhi Status, something which could be done just by visiting the following link:-
Alas! this link is not accessible by your friends, colleagues or acquaintances who are not as blessed as you are to be on the grid.
How can offline users check their name in the Voter List?
Some may argue that an internet connection has a great outreach and there might not be many people without it but nevertheless it is not surprising to hear that the mobile services have a much greater outreach than internet. Supported by this fact, people without an internet connection can check their name in the voter list just by sending a simple text message. The layout of the text message is as follows:-
Just SMS ‘EPIC’<SPACE>’Voter ID Card No.‘ and send it to 9211728082.
By this way you can save a trip to the Election Office if you want to check your name in the Voter’s List of your constituency.
The election commission although has to go a long way in order to make the Voter ID Card issuing process and related tasks easier for the people who have no internet connection, but this move, through which offline users can check their name in the Voter List through an SMS, would surely open a lot more avenues and enable many more electoral tasks to be conducted using mobile phones and hence make things easier for both online and offline citizens.
my voter id caard
Hi Kumar,
Have you applied for Voter Card? Is your verification done? Still not received Voter Card??