Filling forms, visiting the ERO office, waiting in the long queues and spending the precious work time in order to get a Voter ID Card Delhi and checking its Status through similar ways might be a thing of past for many people who can conduct the same tasks at a click of a button at the comfort of their home or office.
People who have access to internet need not visit the ERO office a lot of times in order to get a Voter ID Card in Delhi and to register their name in the Voters’ List because of the fact that these tasks have been more or less computerized and hence most of these could easily be done online.
How to Check Voter ID Card Delhi Status on Internet?
Not everyone is blessed with an internet connection, that may be hard to believe, but as a matter of fact many households, communities or groups have many other things to worry about other than an internet connection. In these cases people with no access to the internet have to make a couple of trips to the ERO office and engage in monotonous activities in order to conduct even a task as simple as checking the Voter ID Card Delhi Status, something which could be done just by visiting the following link:-
Alas! this link is not accessible by your friends, colleagues or acquaintances who are not as blessed as you are to be on the grid.
Election Commission of Delhi and its move to Help Offline Voters check their names in Voter List Delhi
Registering your name onto the Voter List is not an obnoxious task until you have to visit and line up in front of the ERO office. That is the harsh reality for the people without internet but if these citizens have to visit it again just to check whether their name is included in the electoral roll or not, wouldn’t it be unfair and somewhat cruel? Well again we must appreciate ECI(Election Commission of India) for its continuous endeavors to simplify the process for both the online and offline users of electoral services wherever it can.
Although conduction of voter id card Delhi status check could be done through online means, the process of checking your name in the voter list does not require a visit to the ERO Office or even an internet connection.
How can offline users check their name in the Voter List if they have Voter ID Card of Delhi?
Some may argue that an internet connection has a great outreach and there might not be many people without it but nevertheless it is not surprising to hear that the mobile services have a much greater outreach than internet. Supported by this fact, people without an internet connection can check their name in the voter list just by sending a simple text message. The layout of the text message is as follows:-
Just SMS ‘EPIC’<SPACE>’Voter ID Card No.‘ and send it to 9211728082.
By this way you can save a trip to the Election Office if you want to check your name in the Voter’s List of your constituency.
The election commission although has to go a long way in order to make the Voter ID Card issuing process and related tasks easier for the people who have no internet connection, but this move, through which offline users can check their name in the Voter List through an SMS, would surely open a lot more avenues and enable many more electoral tasks to be conducted using mobile phones and hence make things easier for both online and offline citizens.
How to Get Voter ID Card Online in Delhi?
You cannot get your name enlisted in the Voter List Delhi until you register yourself as a voter. New voter registration in Delhi is an easy task. You just need to fill the Form No. 6 for inclusion of name to the voter list. You can access the online version of this form on the CEO Website of Delhi i.e.: –
For more information about various voter related tasks in Delhi you can refer to following detailed and comprehensive articles on our website, here are some important links: –
Dear sir. Hamara Votar id card Pani mai kharab hogaya hai sir plz. Helph me
hello sir my form nomber-8 status show please.
add- c-2\90 milan garden sabhapur krawal nagar
My application id no. Is 6396788
My status is approved on 20/8/14
But still i not received my voter card.
I want to know speed post track no. Of the same.
I applied 5voter card in the name of raj Kumar garg, ms santosh garg, saurabh Kumar garg, gaurav garg ,ms Aanchal vyas garg on 26th aug2014. But I received message on 28th sep 4 voter I card despatch through speed post no Ed-061229534in,Ed -061229548in, Ed -061229551in,Ed -061229565in,they were not received so far. Please guide me .
sonia vihar delhi-94
I filled in Form 6 on 9-3-14 at Jor Bagh 110003. My old voter ID is XVP0724237 from Civil Lines, Chandini Chawk Constituency. Verification has been done. When will I get my new ID.
My Phone No. 9868413047.
my name is PRASANTA KUMAR PANDA , sir i applyied my voter id card
but i didn’t recieve my card and this is my application no;5426324
i want my voter id card number via sms and status also mob-9971869828
house no-219,
kotla village, Mayur Vihar Phase-1
New Delhi
i want my voter id card number via sms and status also
pls arrenge my voter card stetus
Sir, Mera Oter ID Card Voter ID List se Hata diya gaya hai, 5 mahine pahle tha. jo ki ab Voter List se gayab ho gaya hai kirpya karke Voter ID List me mera Naam Dalwane ki Vavstha Karene. Mera Voter ID No is parkar hai- ZPT0084939, Gali No- 4, E- Block, Shastri Park Delhi-53 hai.
Thanks & Regards
Munnilal Yadav
Sir mera address Change ho gaya hai, pahle ka Address 73 A, Kanchanjanga Apartment, Sector-53 Noida hai, Lekin Naya Address is parkar hai A-104, plat No- 18 A, Media CGHS, Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 hai. Address Change karne ke leye Kya karna Parega. Oter ID No- ZYH0088666 HAI plz Email Id per Batane ki kirpa karene
Mara votar id gum hoo gaya hai
Aur mucha naya banana hai lakin mai mumbai ma hu ab mai kya karu
Mara purana ID: NYC0936914 ( PRATAPGRAH)
dear sir
My name is ANKUSH TIWARI , sir i applyied my application form6 date 17/07/2013 and where voter id card
but i didn’t recieve my card and my contact no-9899649354. So kindly plz send to me voter card number
thank u.
Sir, Pl refer Form 6 application ID 4851446. I am completed 18 yrs on 15 Jan 14, not under age. Request for reconsideration and process for issue of voter ID early. Thanks. Shivam (Mob 7838578838)
my application id of my voter card is 27260819
hello sir/mam
I have already I card but old house now my residence is charged . I have submitted my new home document with form 8A to the respected area. my voter card no is TPE1214709 AND MY CNT NO IS 9873656800.
kindly do the needful.
i have registered my name in on-line now how to get the id card
sir mera mob no 9651620195 to sent boter id namber
Tp My ID:149065
Status please…?
My name is Deepak Chauhan, sir i applyied my voter id card
but i didn’t recieve my card and this is my application no; 4160247.
I have received SMS also
SMS is-Dear Deepak Chauhan , your Form-6 application id 4160247 is verified.
Thanking you
Deepak Chauhan
P-2/709, Sultan Puri
M: 9718779243
my name is P.RAMANJANEYULU , sir i applyied my voter id card
but i didn’t recieve my card and this is my application no;04997831
PH NO:9293550043, 9966859204
plot no 55 ,A P S E B colony omkar nagar HYD-79
sir mera mob no 9953009456 to sent boter id namber
My name is shekhar singh i apply for voter card 17/7/2013 but i dont recieve voter ideacard
voter card status of IFH0097899
dear sir/mam
i applied my voter card dated 19/09/2013
but still i didn’t receive any status in your end.
place i requesting you consider my voter card asap..
Thanking you
Pradeep Chauhan
DDA flate 28 IInd floor
Poket 13 Phase 1
dwarka 110045
my application ID no:05055392
I have already I card but old house now my residence is charged . I new address voter I card.
Tp My Application ID:04836891
Status please…?
voter id card no
mew voter card wanted my 9789890284 mobile no
I would like to informed you my mother ID card has not been recieved till date which applied before 3 months, Kindly check the same and send the voter card ASAP.
PFB the details:-
Name:Varsha chandwani
Application ID:3284445
Sanjay Chandwani
My form 6 application id is:4165728.When will be the verification going to held ?
South delhi
Hauz khas:110017.