Election Commission of Haryana is soon going hold the 2014 assembly elections in the state. While it is time for the political parties and the candidates to gear up for the campaigning, on the other hand, the voters must gear up with the voter id card and other formalities required to cast a vote and elect the worthy candidates. Therefore, here are the Haryana election 2014 dates and schedule, so that you can set your clocks and get ready to vote and elect the right people to run the state assembly.
Dates and Schedule for Assembly Elections Haryana 2014
Although the complete schedule could be seen on the CEO Haryana official website, here is all the information about the dates of assembly elections in Haryana: –
- Issue of Gazette Notification- Saturday, 20th September 2014
- Nomination Filing deadline(The last day on which a candidate could file his/her nomination)- Saturday, 27th September 2014
- Nominations Scrutiny(Checking for legit and valid nominations)- Monday, 29th September 2014
- Last day on which candidature could be withdrawn(The last day on which the candidates are allowed to withdraw their nomination)- Wednesday, 1st October 2014
- Date of poll(the main election day when the Haryana people have to cast their votes)- Wednesday, 15th October 2014
- Date of counting(The day of verdict)- Sunday, 19th October 2014
- Deadline for the completion/concluding of election- Wednesday, 22nd October 2014
Are you Ready With Your Voter ID Card Haryana?
If you are still not registered as a voter in Haryana, do not have your name in the voter list and have not received your voter id card due to that, then, you would not be able to vote in the assembly elections this October. So here is how you can register as a voter online in Haryana. Please note that even if you do not receive your voter id card Haryana but have your name in the voter list of your constituency in this state, then, chances are that you would still be allowed to cast your vote by presenting your voter slip or other valid identity proof. But without your name in the electoral roll, you just cannot be allowed to cast a vote.
To get your name in the voter list, you have to fill the election commission of India form no. 6. This could be filled online on the CEO Haryana official website or on the ECI official website.
To register online on the CEO website of Haryana, just type www.ceoharyana.nic.in on the address bar of your internet browser. Once you reach the home page, the following options would be available for you to use: –
- Haryana Vidhan Sabha Elections 2014(Click this option on the homepage for all the information on dates and schedule for Assembly elections 2014).
- Check Your Name in the Voter List(You can search for your name in the Haryana voter list before applying for inclusion of name).
- Know your BLOs(Booth level officers can offer great help and guide you about voter registration).
- Online Voter Registration(Click this option to become a voter online in Haryana).
- Public Grievances(Have complaints? file here)
- Forms download for voter registration(Want to apply offline but need the right form to print? This link on the website would help)
- Track your application(check your application status online)
- Voter Details through SMS(Know your details in the voter list by texting your voter id card number on the provided number).
Once you click the ‘Online Voter Registration’ option, the next page would also require you to click on a link that says, ‘Click to register online’. Click the same and you would land on a citizen services page from ECI website that asks you whether you want to login as a citizen or an officer. Check the ‘citizen’ option and hit ‘login’. If you are already registered, enter your username plus password and click ‘login’. Otherwise, click on ‘New User Registration’. Once you complete the registration process(if it is open) then you can use the created username & password to login and access the form no. 6 online version.
Once you have filled the online form and uploaded the passport sized photograph too, you would receive a unique application id which could be used to track your application status on the CEO Haryana website. This would help you know whether your name would show up in the voter list Haryana before the assembly election date or not.
Check Your Name in Haryana Voter List
You can also check your name in the voter list 2014 Haryana if you have already applied for voter registration in the past. This can be done in two simple ways.
Method 1
Visit CEO Haryana website and click on the option, ‘Check your name in the voter list’. Two options would appear on the next page. One is ‘search by voter details‘ and the other, ‘search by voter id‘. If you choose to search by voter id, then just click the second option. You would then need to enter just the voter id card number and the servers would search your name in the voter list of the concerned constituency in Haryana. This way, you can ensure that your name is present in the roll, for you to cast your vote on the assembly election date.
Method 2
You can search your voter id details in Haryana by sending a simple SMS. Just type, VOTERHRY<space>’Your voter id card number‘ and send it to 9954699899
This SMS once sent, would bring back a reply text from the CEO Haryana mobile servers. This reply text would have all your voter information(if present) in the Haryana voter list of your constituency. All these steps would help you ensure your voting right for the assembly elections 2014 in Haryana and hence make your opinion count for the betterment of this state.
Hence, no matter whether you are from Gurgaon or Rohtak, a voter id card and the voter list of your constituency are important implements during the assembly elections. Therefore, all the formalities related to these two must be completed in advance by all the serious voters. Voting is a very important duty that must be completed by all the dutiful and concerned citizens of the state in order help it reach much greater heights in terms of both economic and social development.
Hallo sir main or meri wife ne viter id banani hai. Kase aply kare kirpya bataye thanking you
Give me fast voter id card.