Those looking to get themselves a voter ID card in India must note that the process has become quiet streamlined. This has been made possible due to the fact that the Election Commission of India itself has become Internet friendly. Nowadays, a lot of resources are available online for the common man that offer step by step guides like the one Such informative guides help the prospected voters to fill up the voter ID card application forms either online or manually by visiting the local ERO. Those looking to get themselves their Electoral Photo Identity Card or EPIC are required to fill up the Voter ID Card FORM 001 along with the other relevant forms.
If you are a first time applicant for the voter ID card, then you need to fill up Voter FORM 001. You should also understand that you need to be a registered voter to be able to cast your vote and hold a valid election card. For this you need to make sure your name appears in the voter’s list of the constituency you belong to. You need to fill in an application to get your name included in the electoral roll. This too is a simple process as mentioned below. There are two types of FORM 001 and their purpose is explained here under.
For getting your name on the electoral roll or voter list, in other words for registering yourself as a voter, the voter ID card application form you need to fill in is FORM 001A along with voter registration FORM 6/8/8A (whichever is applicable).
- Form 6 – to include the name in the voter list or electoral list.
- Form 6A – to include the name of an NRI.
- Form 8 – to include the correct information in the voter list.
- Form 8A – to transpose entry of the voter if needed.
Get the relevant form that corresponds to your needs, for instance if you are a resident Indian looking to register for vote, you need Form 6 whereas an NRI will need Form 6A. You can get these forms from the Election Commission website for your state. In the voter ID card application form 001, fill the required details such as your Constituency, Name, and address and submit the same along with voter registration Form 6/8/8A to your ERO. Along with the application, make sure to submit 2 recent passport-sized photographs. One should be pasted in the box provided in the form and the other attached separately.
You will also need to submit your ID and residence proofs which are to be self attested. You need to carry the originals with you for verification purposes only. You could take the original forms back once your identity is verified.
Form 001C:
Voter ID Card application FORM 001C is only required if you are an existing voter and want to issue yourself a voter ID or an EPIC, you just need to fill up this version of the form and not the previously mentioned forms(Form 6, 6A, etc.). This form is also available for download through the Election Commission or the CEO website of your state.
In this form you need to fill up the name of your constituency under the relevant field and under Section I you need to fill in your name as it appears in the voter’s list or how you had entered in Form 6 when you applied for voter registration. The Section II needs to be filled in by the ERO, when you submit the form 001C, while Section III will require you to fill in your date of birth and attach a valid proof for the same. Under Section IV you need to affix two passport-sized recent photos, one signed and one unsigned. Along with this submit ID and address proof and submit the same at the local ERO.
So, if you are a first time applicant of voter ID card, you need to fill up the relevant form 001 as mentioned above and submit to the local ERO and you shall receive the election card soon.
Mene iD card vidhan shabha chunao se pahale banane ko diya tha jo… mujhe abhi tak prapt nahi hua he..
I have applied for the correction of my name by filling form 8 and given a receipt with no.796380 dt 31.07.2013. When will I get my Voter ID Card?
i m facing difficulties in registering my name for the election ID. m from Gujarat and working in West Bengal since 1992. Could it not possible to get it without giving any blood relation here since all my relatives reside in Gujarat?
I am 57 years old and working in a nationalised bank. Due to transferable nature of service still I could not made my voter card. Please help me in making card.
Voter id card on line apply
hii i am in ghaziabad maine voter id card apply kiya tha abhi tak nhi aaya.