Do not have internet access? Struck on the procedure to get electoral identity card offline?You must know that an electoral identity card is your identity and address proof as well. It can be used at any place where a photo identity proof is needed, for example, while getting a mobile sim card, getting your ration card, etc. The government-issued voter ID card or the electoral identity card is very much a necessity for the citizens of India from several perspectives. If you do not have this, you cannot exercise your voting rights. Also at various places the card acts as an address proof. Issued by the Election Commission of India, the card is a must-have for every Indian citizen above the age of 18 years. Here, in this article, we are sharing a few simple steps to apply for electoral identity card offline i.e. without internet access.
Applying for Electoral Identity Card:
It is not a problem if you do not have internet access to apply for electoral identity card. Following article deals with both partially offline method and completely offline method of applying for electoral identity card.
Completely Offline Method to Apply for Electoral Identity Card:
Applying for electoral identity card requires you to fill Form 6 of the Election Commission. To get Form 6, visit any of the following offices:
- Your nearest Election Commission Office (situated in the capital of the state)
- Regional Election Offices
- Municipal Corporations
- There are also certain cyber cafes in every city that provide the printout of Form 6 – But we cannot guarantee how genuine all of them maybe. So adviced to use the above 3 if possible.
Here are the steps to follow if you do no have Internet Access but need Electoral Identity Card:
- Step 1:
Fill in every detail that is mandatory like your name, permanent address, date of birth, etc with special care as any errors cannot be corrected later. So be careful while giving in the details.
- Step 2:
Submit the form back to the official with completely filled details.
- Step 3:
After you submit these details, you will undergo physical verification by the Block Level Officers at your given permanent address.
- Step 4:
This visit is for the physical verification of the details you gave in the enrollment form, like your address and other personal details. After the verification is done, it can take from a week to a month to get your card.
This completes the completely offline method of application for electoral identity card.
Partially Offline Method to Apply for Electoral Identity Card:
If it is possible that you may find internet access initially, then follow these steps to enroll yourself for electoral identity card. This method uses internet only for downloading and taking a print of the form for electoral identity card.
- Step 1:
Go the official website of the Election Commission of India or you can also download the enrollment form i.e., Form 6 by clicking here.
- Step 2:
Take a print out of this form and fill in all the details. Carefully fill in your name, permanent address, date of birth and other mandatory details.
- Step 3:
Submit the form with fully filled details to the nearest Election Commission Office or Regional Election Commission Offices.
- Step 4:
The BLOs (Block Level Officers) will come to your permanent address in order to verify the details you filled in the form.
- Step 5:
It will take a month at maximum for card to reach you, once the verification is done.
Hence, you can get your electoral identity card offline i.e. without internet access through the above mentioned simple steps.
An electoral identity card will be your doorway to both, voting rights and identity proof. We just hope that no eligible citizen of India be unable to exercise one of his/her integral right to vote.
In case of any queries feel free to comment or view other related posts on our website.
I had applied for voter id card online on Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 6:13 PM.
But Till date I didn’t get my voter id card.
my voter id reference number – 158f14aef5ecbab2 last month showing submitted status.
I want to know when I will get my voter id card .
How much time election commission take to issue the voter id card ? if someone apply it online.
The public is only given voter id card , when the election time comes nearer.