Even before the inception of the photo voter id card, the photo voter list was the sole warrior in a bid to allow only legitimate voters to enter the polling booth and cast their votes. The election card with a photograph was only introduced in the year 1993 by the election commission of India in order to complement the photo electoral roll and hence even further reduce the cases of bogus and illegal voting. Till today, the voter list stands out as the most important element during the democratic elections in India. Because, you can cast your vote without a voter id card in India but registration of your name into the voter list is something you can not ignore.
So, here in this informative article we guide you on how to get your name in the Indian voter list 2014. Apart from this, we also cover some really important terminologies that the voters are concerned with and hence we explain and also guide you about them. We also help the voters of specific states/UTs like UP, Karnataka, Kerala, Delhi, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh etc. about how the inclusion of name to the voter list 2014 works in their specific states. The first section covers the method for applying for voter registration 2014 Online and checking name in the electoral roll once the registration is complete. This is a general method and works for voters from any state in India.
Get Your Name in the Indian Voter List 2014 Online
To get your name in the voter list of your constituency in India, you can very easily apply online. If you wish to apply for inclusion of name to the electoral roll offline, you need to fill the election commission of India form no. 6. The same can be arranged from your local ERO office. The same form could be filled online in a few simple steps. You just need to visit the ECI official website i.e eci.nic.in or your state’s CEO website. On eci.nic.in, you can apply online to register your name to the voter list 2014. You just have to click the icon ‘Enroll Now, Become a Voter!’. The same icon occupies a good portion of the election commission website homepage and hence is difficult to miss. Clicking this icon would give you access to the online version of the form no. 6 once you fill in your details like: –
- State
- Mobile number
- E-Mail id
Also you would need to enter the confirmation code received on your mobile number, on the next page. After these steps you would gain access to the online election commission voter registration form for sure.
Fill Form No. 6 Online to Register Name in Voter List 2014
When you gain access to the online version of the form no. 6, here are a couple of things you need to keep in mind: –
- The recipient of the application should be the Electoral Registration officer of the constituency you reside in. His name should be mentioned in the blank space provided on the form(Valid for paper or printable form no. 6 too).
- In the initial part of the online form, you have to select your district and the assembly constituency in which you live and want to request inclusion of your name in the voter list of the same.
- You have to mention your name with the correct spelling because an incorrect spelling detected after you have submitted your application for inclusion to the voter list would require you to fill another form(form no. 8) in order make the correction. Same goes for your age, address and date of birth. Make sure that all of these details are error free.
- You have to provide proper documentary proof for your identity, age, date of birth and residence address if you wish to register your name in the voter list of the constituency.
- These documentary proofs are required to ensure entry of only the legitimate voters into the voter list.
- You can upload these documents while applying for inclusion of name online(option available on the online form no. 6). Or you can hand them over to the BLO when he visits your residence address to verify your identity.
- You also have to upload a passport size photograph of yours. This would appear on your Elector’s Photo Identity Card and hence should be clear and haze free.
- In part 2 of the online form no. 6, you have to enter details about the pace of your ordinary residence. You have to enter your full address and make sure that you have proper documents to validate and verify that the address you have provided is correct and you actually reside in the same.
- In part 3 of the form 6 for inclusion of name to the voter list, you have to provide information about your relations(Father/Mother/Husband) whichever applicable. You would also have to enter their voter details like part number and serial number in the voter list along with the voter id card number(If your relations are already registered as voters).
- The part 4 of this election commission of India form, is a declaration that you need to fill and sign. While filling this form online, you won’t be able to sign it for obvious reason therefore, the BLO would bring along a printed copy of the online form, during his verification visit. You would then have to sign that copy of the form.
- If you are already a registered voter who is shifting to another constituency then in the part 4 of the form itself, you would have to mention details about your previous enrollment including the previous address and the EPIC no. if it is already issued. In this case the form no. 6 is used to shift your name from the voter list of your previous constituency to the new constituency electoral roll.
List of Documents to Submit with Voter List Registration Application
While applying for inclusion of name to voter list of your constituency, you require to submit some documents to validate the details you enter while filling the form no. 6 online or offline. Here is a list of voter details for which you have to provide documentary proof: –
- Name.
- Age.
- Date of Birth.
- Place of ordinary residence(Address).
For verification of name, no extra document is required since documents that verify your age, date of birth and address would also verify your name. So here is a list of documents required for registration of name into the election commission of India voter list 2014: –
- Documents accepted for proof of age/date of birth: –
- Municipal authority or district office of Registrar issued birth certificates or Baptism certificates.
- Birth certificates issued by govt. recognized last attended school or any other govt. recognized educational institution.
- In case of applicants who are illiterate or semi-illiterate and do not possess any of the above mentioned documents, they can request for a declaration format or form, that the parents of the applicant would then have to sign/fill declaring and certifying and supporting the age of the applicant. The parents must be registered voters and have their names in the voter list in order to do so. This declaration then has to be submitted along with the filled application form.
- Documents accepted for proof of address: –
- Bank or Kisaan or P.O pass book.
- Ration card or driving license or passport.
- Recent water/gas/electricity connection bill.
Please note that the ration card alone can not be used a proof of address. You need to attach one more document from the above mentioned list in order to ensure that your address is truly verified and your name in entered into the voter list of your constituency without any hassles.
What is a Voter List?
A voter list is a published list of all the voters in a specific constituency. This list is generally developed by the combined efforts of the election commission, the state CEOs and the voters. In a common voter list, you would find the photographs along with the voter details of all the voters who have their name registered and have successfully filled the application form no. 6 for voter registration. The polling officer at the polling booth is the in-charge of handling this list and also, it is his duty to ensure that only the people registered in that list are the ones who are allowed to cast their votes. Therefore it is the duty of that officer to match the details of any visiting voter’s voter id card/voter slip with his/her details in the photo voter list.
Importance of Voter List Over the Voter ID Card
Both the voter id card and the voter list published/issued by the election commission of India hold their own share of importance during the election day and after it too. But it is our duty to explain to all our readers and voters about the apparent importance of the voter list over the voter id card during the election day. The fact that you can vote without a voter id card but not without your name and photo in the voter list of constituency throws some light on why the voter list is considered much more important during the election day.
How to Check Name in the Voter List 2014?
Once you become a registered voter successfully by following the previously mentioned steps, you should make sure that your name is placed in the voter list 2014 of your constituency. Here are a few simple steps that you can follow in order to search your name in the election commission electoral roll.
Online Method
Visit election commission of India official website that goes by the address: – www.eci.nic.in. You can also visit the CEO website of your state(preferred). To find out your state’s CEO website, CLICK HERE. You can also visit the following link to find out your state’s CEO website: – http://eci.nic.in/eci_main1/Links.aspx
On ECI website homepage, click on the 6th icon on the right section of the page. That icon reads: – ‘Search your name in the voters’ list‘. Once you click this page you would be taken to page with the links to all the state’s voter lists. Just click on the state in which you reside and you would be taken the section on that state’s CEO website where you can easily access the voter list of your constituency and search your name in it.
Once you select your state, you would be taken to the electoral search page on that state’s CEO website. On this page, you have enter some of your voter details in order to perform voter list search. The details you need to enter are: –
- District name and number.
- Assembly constituency name and number.
- Voters’ Name
- Father’s/Mother’s Name
You also have the option of searching your name in the voters’ list simply by entering your voter id card number(only if you have been issued one).
After entering all the information required on the landing page of voter list search on your CEO website and clicking enter, you would surely see the results and know whether your name is included in the voter list 2014.
To check your name in the voter list offline, you would have to visit the local ERO office and ask for access to the list so as to check your name in it. Or you can also be updated with the dates of summary revision drives in your state. During these drives, the concerned BLOs and the copies of the voter lists might be available at your nearest and designated polling stations. In many states, there is also an SMS facility to check your name. For this you can contact the concerned officials or call the CEO helpline number of your state in order to know the numbers and format of the SMS to be sent in order to check name. This information would also be available on the state CEO websites. Below is the CEO helpline number for almost all the states.
This is a toll free helpline number that would connect you to your state’s CEO help center.
My Details in Voter List are Incorrect, How to Rectify Errors?
If you happen to notice that the details that you see in the voter list 2014 are not correct or there are some typo errors in fields like name, age, date of birth or address then you must immediately take the following steps : –
Fill the rectification of voter details form no. 8 by the election commission of India.
STEP 2(i)
Offline applicants can get the form from the local ERO office and then fill it by hand. The form should then be addressed to the designated ERO of your constituency. You can also submit it in person rather then sending it by post. Make sure you attach all the documentary proofs required to apply for voter id card along with a photocopy of both the sides of your already issued EPIC.
STEP 2(ii)
Online applicants can simply fill in the form no. 8 over the internet. You can fill it on the eci official website i.e www.eci.nic.in On the homepage, just click on the icon that reads ‘Apply for corrections‘. Then provide your state, mobile number and e-mail id, to access the form for correction of voter list
Fill the election commission of India form no. 8 with complete and correct details. In the last section i.e the part 4 of the form, make sure you check the details and need to be corrected and cross out the already correct ones.
In part 3 of the form no. 8 for correcting your entry to the voter list, you have to mention details about your existing voter identity card if it is already issued to you.
Attach all the document proofs from the list already mentioned above. With this form no. 8, you also need to provide a photocopy of both the sides of your already issued photo voter identity card.
Submit the form at the local ERO office. Make sure you check twice and ensure that all the details are correct and all the documents are properly attached. In most cases you need to provide self-attested copies of the identity documents but still you could recheck it by calling the CEO helpline of your state.
After completion of the above steps and verification by the officials, your correct details shall soon appear in the voter list of your constituency.
How to Check Name in Voter List in Various States of India in 2014?
As we know, the state election commissions or chief election officers’ offices have the duty of maintaining the voter lists of their specific states therefore the state CEO websites are the best places to check your name in the voter list of your state’s constituency.
Check Name in Voter List Delhi
To check your name in the voter list 2014 of Delhi, there are various methods.
Method 1
Check name in the voter list online. To do so, you can visit the official CEO website of Delhi i.e ceodelhi.nic.in On the homepage, simply click any one of the icon that reads(depending upon the information you want to use to search your name): –
- Check your name in the Voters’ List- Search by Voter’s name.
- Check your name in the Voters’ List- Search by Voter ID no.
The icons look like the images shown below.
If you decide to check your name in the voter list Delhi by using your name then you would require to enter other details like district number and name, AC(Assembly Constituency number and name) and father’s/mother’s/husband’s name. Whereas if you search your name by voter id card number then these details would not be required to check your name in the voter list.
Method 2
Check your name in the voter list Delhi by using the SMS facility. You can simply send a text message via your mobile phone to verify whether your name exists in the voter list or not, the same way you can also receive all your voter id details present in the electoral roll of your constituency. Here is the format of the SMS: –
Type EPIC<space>your Voter ID Card Number. Send this message to 9211728082. You would then receive all your details(if entered) in the voter list of your constituency in Delhi.
Check Name in the Voter List Maharashthra(including Pune and Mumbai)
The official website of Maharashtra is https://ceo.maharashtra.gov.in/ On the homepage of this website, the team has recently made a new option available that reads: – ‘Search Your Name in the Final Electoral Roll 2014‘. By clicking this option you can check your name in the voter list Maharashtra 2014. The landing page where you can check your name, again has two options that are ‘id vise'(Check this option to search your name by entering your voter id number) and ‘name vise'(for checking your name by entering your name and other details). Over and above these two options, you can also select your language preference i.e whether you want to search in English or Marathi.

Voter List UP
Here we provide you the useful links from the CEO Uttar Pradesh official website i.e ceouttarpradesh.nic.in following which you can check your name in the voter list UP 2014.
On the homepage itself, you would find a column by the name ‘Online voter services’. The third option under this column says ‘Search your name in Electoral Roll‘, you can click this link and proceed towards checking your name in the Uttar Pradesh voter list. On the search page of UP voter list, you would have three options that you can use to search your name:-
- Search your name district wise.
- Search your name AC wise.(Assembly constituency wise)
- Search your name Mohalla/Area wise.
Select the one you desire to search your name with, select the district/AC/mohalla/area(based on your selection) and then click ‘search’ to find your name in the appropriate constituency of Uttar Pradesh.
Search Name in Voter List J&K
To seek help relating to voter registration and voter list in Jammu and Kashmir, you can call the CEO J&K helpline no. i.e 1950. The official CEO website of this state is http://ceojk.nic.in/ Once you visit this website, you would be able to see a host of online voter service options that you can access. To check your name in the voter list J&K, you can click on the option that reads ‘Search your name‘. Once you click this option, you would be automatically directed to a web page where you have to follow the following steps: –
- Select any one language from English, Hindi or Urdu.
- Select your district.(optional)
- Select your assembly constituency.(optional)
- Select polling station.(optional)
- Enter your name or part of name starting with.
- Enter your Voter ID Card number.
After following these steps, you would be able to successfully check your name in the voter list J&K.
You can also send the following SMS to 7738299899: – JNKERM<Space>your 10 charecter EPIC number. With this you would be able to check the status of your details in the voter list JnK.
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