Uttar Pradesh– the state with great population and at the same time, a lot of diversity. The large scale of population and density calls for a larger number of administrators. This facts leads UP to become one of the most sought after states by the political parties to tap their dominance and win the elections here, because of the humongous number of seats that this state has, for all the houses of parliament makes UP an all in all game changer as far as politics and elections are concerned.
At the same time, the number of voters and candidates is such that it needs an highly efficient team along with the Chief election officer(CEO UP). The job of the CEO includes education of voters with regards to their voting rights and also the education that enlightens them about voter registration. Nowadays, the internet has become a popular medium for the CEO to promote and garner new voter registrations in large numbers. The voter id card online process in Uttar Pradesh is also carried out by the IT team of the CEO UP. It offers tremendous convenience for citizens who wish to apply for inclusion of their names of into the voter list of their constituencies, without actually visiting the ERO office of their area. Apart from new voter registration, the online voter services offered by CEO Uttar Pradesh web portal include: –
- Checking of application status.
- Checking of name in the voter lists.
- Applying for corrections
- Registration of Online complaints.
- Knowing your Booth level officer.
- And many more useful avenues and services for the voters.
In this article we guide you about how to proceed with some of the most important online voter services like applying for a new voter id card in Uttar Pradesh online, checking your application status, checking your name in the voter list, etc. All these would surely help you ensure your voting right, in the light of oncoming by-assembly elections in UP.
Get Voter ID Card Online in Uttar Pradesh(UP)
The official web address for the CEO Uttar Pradesh(UP) is www.ceouttarpradesh.nic.in This is the website where you can access all the above mentioned online voter services including the most important one i.e online voter registration. Also, on this website, you can find and access important updates of bye-elections along with the coming assembly election in Uttar Pradesh. Voter education videos also find place on this comprehensive website. But before that, here are the easy steps for online voter id card registration in Uttar Pradesh.
STEP 1: – Visit www.ceouttarpradesh.nic.in
STEP 2: – Click on the option ‘Online Voter Registration‘ under the ‘Online Voter Services‘ column.
STEP 3: – You would be taken to a page where you would be able to view the following options to select from-
- Application for inclusion of name to the electoral roll- Form No. 6[You have to click this option if you wish to become a voter in UP]
- Application for inclusion of name to the electoral roll UP by an overseas elector-Form No. 6A.[NRIs click this option to register as voters in Uttar Pradesh]
- Application for objection to inclusion of name to the voters’ list-Form No. 7[If you want to object a name that should not be in the voters’ list of a constituency then you can click this online application form and fill it].
- Application for correction of voter id cars/voter list details or the voter’s photograph-Form No. 8[Fill it if you have incorrect or erred details on your voter id card or in the voters’ list of your constituency].
- Application for transposition of entry into the electoral roll- Form No. 8A[Fill this application if you want to change your address in case you have shifted within the same constituency].
PLEASE NOTE:- In case you want to change your address from the present constituency to another constituency, then again you must fill the form no. 6 i.e for select the very first option amongst the above given online forms on the CEO Uttar Pradesh website.
STEP 4: – Once you click the Form 6 option in the previous step, you would be taken to Election Commission of India registration page. There have you to select your state i.e Uttar Pradesh, enter your valid mobile number, type in your valid e-mail id and then finally click ‘Proceed’.
STEP 5: – You would then receive a confirmation code as a text on your registered mobile number. You have to enter this code when asked after clicking ‘proceed’.
STEP 6: – You would then have access to the online voter id card registration form no. 6 for Uttar Pradesh. Fill in all the details and upload your picture(passport size), the file should be of JPEG format not larger than 35KB. You may as well upload the documents required to apply for voter id card online in Uttar Pradesh. After completing the form, just click ‘Translate'(if the option is available), this would translate your name and other details to your regional language. Finally, click ‘submit’ and note down the unique application id.
STEP 7: – Verify your identity in front of the BLO who visits your residence for identification. You can hand over the documents to him in case you did not upload them while applying online. He would also take your signature on the printed version of your online application form no. 6 on CEO Uttar Pradesh website.
Following all the steps mentioned above could surely ensure that you become a registered voter and get your voter id card UP. This would help you cast your vote in the upcoming elections too.
Download Form No. 6 for Offline Voter Registration in UP
If you wish to apply for a voter id card in Uttar Pradesh offline, you can either fill the paper form no. 6 by procuring it from the local ERO office(you can find the address on the CEO website). Or you can also download the form no. 6 for offline voter registration in UP and get a print out of it. You can then fill the same by hand and then send it to the ERO office by post or in person. You would be obligated to attach the identity proof documents along with these offline forms. Rest the guidelines are similar to the online form no. 6.
Check Voter ID Card UP Application Status Online
To check your Voter id card application status in UP, you can again visit the ceo UP website mentioned previously. There you can find the option ‘Know your application status‘ under the column ‘online voter service’. You can check the status either by entering your name or voter id card no.
Check Your Name in the Voter List Uttar Pradesh
You can check your name in the Voter list of your constituency in Uttar Pradesh, by clicking on ‘Search your name in the electoral roll‘ which is also found on the CEO UP website and under the column that reads ‘Online voter services’. You would have an option to search your name in the voter list of UP either district wise, AC wise or Mohalla/Area wise. You can make the selection accordingly on the voter search engine page itself.
Important Links for Voter ID Card Online
Here are the direct links for the above mentioned online voter services on CEO Uttar Pradesh website: –
- Online voter registration in UP
- Check application status Uttar Pradesh
- Check your name in UP electoral roll
- Schedule for the upcoming By-elections
Darabind9510@gmail. com
Pata=Talangpur rode sree nagae socity plat.75
Name mool chand bind pita=raja ram bind
Still not Recd my original Voter Id