In the world’s largest democracy, voter ID card is the most important ID that a citizen must possess. But the process to obtain one i.e registration etc becomes tedious and elaborate sometimes. This makes people ignore or procrastinate taking a voter ID card. Here at we have all the answers and news regarding voter ID card that would make many relevant processes easier for you. In the present scenario, an address based ID proof has become mandatory for minor to major registrations,processes,background checks, acknowledgements etc. This not only makes voter ID card mandatory but also multipurpose – Proof of it being the recent drive to Link of Aadhaar card to Voter ID Card.
Voter ID Card camp at Kamla Nagar by Aam Aadmi Party:
Adhar UID card, a result of the holistic approach towards citizen identification, is also a must have. Under NERPAP – National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme, linking Addhaar card to voter ID card has been initiated to avoid cases of fraud and bogus voter ID cards,which were reported in many numbers in the past. Not only this,there are many advantages that one can avail from adhaar card and linking it to other ID proofs.Keeping in view,the importance of linking attar card to voter ID card ,the Government has taken many steps to make the process easier. Linking of adhar card to voter id card can be completed and status can be checked in a simple way,either by sending a sms or call or at the website.There are five ways that one can complete this process.Self seeding, portal seeding, mobile seeding, SMS seeding, call centre seeding. For more information you can just refer to this post here on linking Aadhaar Card to Voter ID Card.
Recently, at Delhi a camp was held to initiate voter ID card registrations and adhar card linking. It was a welcome step showing the attempt from the Government’s side to improve voter ID card registration statistics and also make the process easier for the public. AAP, always known for promoting anti-corrupt culture,has taken this step to improve the quality and genuineness of elections.

Voter ID Card Registration Camp – Details:
Aam Aadmi Party was reported organising a voter ID registration camp at Ward no.69 at Kamla Nagar, Delhi on May 11th,Sunday.Volunteers from the party were assigned tasks to carry out the process smoothly online. About 200 people registered themselves. The camp also helped people to link their adhaar cards to voter ID cards, to avoid bogus voter ID cards. Linking adhaar card to voter ID card avails people to make use of numerous government schemes,which otherwise is not possible.Adhar card puts forward the revenue and earnings of citizen ,which brings transparency from the side of the citizen.
Advantages of Linking Voter ID Card to Aadhaar Card:
The main advantage of ensuring that every aadhar card and voter card are linked is that, it would become impossible for someone to cast bogus votes or multiple votes which is a great step towards ensuring clean and authentic electoral polls.
Everyone should take this as a privilege and take this initiative so as to improve authenticity and transparency of citizen identity in India.
Not only this, awareness of the above and also the various benefits like LPG subsidy etc has to be created among the public.
Linking adhar card to voter ID card is a simple process where you need to register yourself at It is a four step process which would take few minutes. We hope after this you too link Aadhaar card to Voter ID Card soon.
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