Voter Registration can now be done easily online, at your own convenience. The Voter ID Card is not merely for the purpose of casting our votes. Instead, it is widely accepted as a reliable identity proof at various institutions and organizations, too. The voter identity card was made mandatory for the election purposes, in the year 1993. Yet, getting a new one made still remains a lengthy as well as time consuming process. Visiting the government offices and waiting for hours in the long queues, waiting for your turn is now an unnecessary time consumption process with the introduction of Voter Registration Online process. In fact, in the year 2012, to boost the online registration process in case of new voters, promotional workshops were also conducted in colleges and universities.
With the procedure of getting electoral card online, it has become a hassle free job for new voters. You may simply scan and upload the required documents and your photograph for the purpose, fill in all necessary details and the task is done from your end. Here is a step by step guide to explain how to get Voter ID Card online.
Existing voter card holders can also check their names in the voter list online.
Process of Voter Registration Online
As the voter card provides reliable proof of a person’s identity in India, it cannot be ignored by an individual. It is also the only documents that entitle you to your voting rights in the country. Here is how you can simply get yourself registered as a new voter.
- For new Voter Registration, visit the website of ECI. Select the state where you intend to get registered as a new voter. Students have an option to either select it as the state where they are currently pursuing their studies or the state of their permanent residence.
- Next, you have to specify your credentials, including the name, contact number and an email address. Make sure you provide valid contact number and email and have access to the same.
- You will receive a login name as well as password.
- Login to the website using the retrieved login and password.
- You will find Form 6 on the website. Fill the form with all the required details and then submit the same. You will also be required to upload scanned copies of your latest photograph, proof of age and a residence proof.
- You can easily view your submitted form as well as track its status from the ECI website. Tracking the status of voter card is also an easy process. Also, you can fill up a fresh application for the voter card in case anything has gone wrong.

Generally, within a time frame of a few days, a representative of the Election Commission of India (ECI) will visit, in order to verify the address as well as other details that have been provided by you in the application. Once the verification process is completed, you receive your electoral card.
Guidelines for Filling Form 6
Here are the detailed guidelines for filling Form 6, which is for the registration of new voters to the electoral roll.
- The person may be first time applicant, after he/she has attained the age of 18 years, on January 1 of the year, in reference to which the revision of the electoral roll is taking place.
- The applicant can be someone who is shifting out of the constituency in which he is registered as an eligible voter.
- Age and name must be accompanied with documentary proofs.
- The following residence proofs are considered valid – Current passbook of Bank, Kisan or Post Office; Ration Card, Driving Licence, Passport or IT Assessment Order; Latest Water, Electricity, Telephone or Gas Connection Bills. In case only the Ration Card is submitted by the applicant, as a residence proof, it must be accompanied by another address proof from any f the above categories.
- You must correctly fill in details of immediate family members, currently enrolled in the electoral roll.
Check out when you can fill the Form 6 of Voter ID Card.
Benefits of applying for Electoral Card Online
Online Voter Registration has several benefits.
- You need not visit any government offices.
- You need not wait in long queues waiting for clicking of photographs. Helps you escape the torment!
- You get to apply according to your convenience of time as well as place. Besides, your Voter ID is delivered at your doorstep.
- Chances of mistakes made in the Electoral card are considerably reduced.
- The processing time for online applications is much faster as it is mostly a machine automated process. By online registration, you possibly get your electoral card in a month’s time, while the alternative process can take several months.
- As you receive your application ID, you are enabled to track the status of your voter ID card, anything and from anywhere. Also, you are regularly updated regarding your Voter Registration status.
My And my mother voter registration card issue but not included in the list Ian here with submitting particulars for inclusion in the list. K. Nagamani W/O K. V. Sharma and K. V. Vijay S/O K. V. Sharma, Door no 49-36-18/1,,NGGO Colony Akkayyapalem. Opposite to GVMC primary school. Ward No12 office
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