The part number of electoral roll represents the constituency the voter belongs to. For example, the part number of the electoral roll in Darjeeling of Kankiabong Primary School is 18 according to the official website of CEO West Bengal. The part number of the electoral roll is hence a representation of the area you reside in.
How to Find The Part Number of Electoral Roll?
There are basically two methods that help you deal with this situation. If you want to know the part number of electoral roll follow any of these two ways:
- You can know the part no. of electoral roll by simply looking into the Voter IDs of your family members or your neighbors.
- You can access the website of Election Commission of India.
Find part number of electoral roll from Voter IDs of Family Members/ Neighbors
You can know your part no. of electoral roll by simply looking into the part number on the Voter IDs of your family members or neighbors. This is because, if you live in the same area/mohalla, you will have the same part number of the electoral roll.
But remember, the Voter ID you are referring to, must belong to the same area you live in, since part number of electoral roll change within short distances too. Hence you need to be careful while tallying your part number with that of a neighbor or family member.
On the reverse of his/her Voter ID card, you will find multiple details like sex, date of birth, address, date, assembly, constituency no. and the name and part number and name. This will be your part no of the electoral roll.
Find Part Number of Electoral Roll from ECI Website
In case you could not find any family member’s or neighbor’s Voter ID card for the search of your part no of the electoral roll, there is another way out. Follow these quick and simple steps to get your part number of electoral roll online:
Step 1: Go to the official website of ECI. To go there, click here.
Step 2: The page will look something like this. Now select your state from the list.
Step 3: Different State Election commission websites have different interfaces. But basically, they would ask you the method of search:
- Search by ID card number
- By Name
- Search by Area/Locality
Step 4: Choose any of the options above. While you complete your search, you will find the PDF electoral roll of your constituency. This would contain the part number of the electoral roll.
Step 5: Also some CEOs have options to search part numbers by simply selecting your constituency. And then you can select the area under it. For example, the CEO West Bengal website has the whole list of constituencies and their parts from where you can see part number of the electoral roll.
This concludes the search for part number of the electoral roll. Through the serial number and part number, booth officers can reach out to voters and the voters can also get in touch with the right booth.
Also if you want to apply for a new Voter ID card or get your existing one corrected, there is nothing more important to know the see part number of the electoral roll.
Hope this article helps you out. For further queries, do comment. Also, feel free to explore our website for anymore answers.
Have a nice day!!